Boundary Setting Is a Real Challenge


Why is setting boundaries so hard?

It's really complicated. Even though we all understand why setting a boundary might be really important, it is very difficult because of your desires, your emotions and your reactions. So change the questions you are asking. Start asking yourself “what and how” a little bit more often.

What's so important about this boundary? What makes this boundary so hard for me to maintain? What in my life will change if I'm able to keep this boundary? How can I start keeping this boundary better? What value is this boundary connected to?


These are often slowing down questions and questions that help us understand WHY a little deeper allowing us a chance to look at our barriers more. But those questions can sometimes be a little bit challenging to face on your own, especially if you're more prone to worry cycles or catastrophizing.

This is where Leanne and I can come in. We can work on communication strategies to be able to help you set these boundaries. We can also help you deal and atone to the guilt surrounding some of these boundaries.

So if boundary setting is something that is hard, or maybe you don't even understand or know some of the boundaries that you'd like to be able to have in your life, you just know you need change, pick up the phone and give us a call.

Leanne and I are here.

Alysha Plaggemeier


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