Is that rear view mirror too convenient?


Do you find yourself always looking back?

I hear this a lot in clinical practice, especially in the new parent population. Being a parent is hard, but also makes us think about where we have been.

I frequently hear from new parents that they can't do the things they used to, they don't look the way they used to, and their life has changed. This doesn't necessarily mean they feel bad about it, they're just unsure of how to approach it.

Looking back can be hard for many of us. We want to be the person we were when our bodies were at a point we enjoyed them the most. We want to have more energy. We want to be something we no longer are.

My challenge to you is to stop looking in that rear view mirror. Stop looking for an explanation as to why you are the way you are now, and instead focus on the road in front of you. Start looking towards all the things you have to look forward to, all the challenges you can set yourself up for and all the things you can achieve going forward from here. It's so easy to get caught in 'if I had only',or ' maybe I should', rather than enjoy where we are and set new goals from this point on.

So again, I challenge you in the next week, to set two goals for the 'future you'. And then work out how you're going to get there.


Feel free to message me and tell me what those goals are going to be and how you're going to do it and how I can support you on your journey.

Nicola Robertson

Registered Physiotherapist

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