Is there a difference between Physical activity and Exercise?


Everyone experiences ups and downs associated with physical activity and exercise. During these unique and challenging times, many patients have found themselves locked to their desk for work and restricting them from attending the gym or even just watching too much Netflix. All of this leads to a more sedentary lifestyle.

I want to address the difference between physical activity and exercise. Physical activity is the movement that we do to perform daily tasks like getting up in the morning, having a shower, walking from the kitchen to the bathroom, walking to work and various movements that we perform during work. But, this is NOT exercise.

To me, exercise is a purposeful period of movement where you are physically exerting yourself beyond your normal daily capacity. This can look very different to each individual person.

  • Exercise in the form of yoga, focuses on flexibility, breathing and achieving greater movement

  • Running, cycling, swimming and other similar activities, focus on cardiovascular training

  • Resistance training includes high intensity interval training, powerlifting and general weight lifting

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The common theme between these aforementioned exercise programs is the purpose at which you are performing the exercise. You’re looking to challenge your body. When you exercise, your body adapts to these changes and becomes stronger with each workout. Physical activity which occurs during your daily routines only maintains your current physical strength flexibility and endurance.

It is critical that we make this differentiation so that you may see the TRUE benefits of exercise.

Jamie Deloyer

Registered Physiotherapist

BlogJamie Deloyer