Mistakes are how we learn


It's so difficult to admit to making a mistake. In fact, so many of us are afraid of making mistakes.

I used to be. I used to worry that my patients felt worse when they left. I used to panic that I didn't have the right answers for everybody. Now 15 and a half years into my career, I realize it's not that simple.

Mistakes are how we learn. They're how we get better at what we do. Learning from something, questioning it and changing it is probably the best way I have ever learned. Would I like to go back and talk to some of my previous clients and change my advice? Absolutely. Did it prevent them from getting better? Absolutely not. I'm not perfect. Nobody is and anybody out there professing that, has other issues beyond the scope of this blog.

The best thing you can ever do is be ready to admit you made a mistake, be ready to listen to the other person and be objective. We too often get involved in our emotions, our belief systems and things we have put a lot of faith in.

What if we step out of that comfort zone and maybe listen to someone else? Maybe realize that what we always thought might not be the truth any longer.

I used to think core stability was the key to everything along with posture. How wrong I am. It's not that simple. And there's no such thing as perfect posture. And your core, your core switches on in 08 of a second. So it's working, I promise you.


It's okay to make mistakes. I will continue to make them and learn from them. It will only make me better at what I do.

NIcola Robertson

Registered Physiotherapist

BlogNicola Robertson