Our treatment philosophy
We believe at Diamond Physiotherapy that client led individualized care is the best way to help you reach your goals.
I've worked in settings where I have personally seen people in 15 and 20 minute slots. I understand why that happens. But the reality is, you're not getting enough time to really go through all the things that are bothering you and then build a recovery program. It's really important to us as a team, that you feel better and more empowered by the time you leave.
The focus is on your goals, not not on my goals, or not on what I think is best for you. Yes we will encourage you to move your body. Yes we will encourage you to get stronger. Maybe for example, you're coming to see us because you want to make your deadlift stronger, or you have persistent low back pain. Maybe you have urinary incontinence, or you want to be able to go up and down the stairs better so Julie's coming out to your house for your appointment.
Every scenarios is of the utmost importance to us. Nobody ever leaves our clinic with the same program. Whether you're seeing Dr. David, our Naturopathic doctor, or Lee-Ann, our Psychotherapist, or whether you're seeing myself or Julie, Sam, Jamie or Kobir... we are always trying to make the rehab process fun, easy and accessible for everybody.
So if you're looking for a different approach to your rehabilitation and your healthcare, we would love to hear from you.
All our team members offer a 15 minute meet and greet to see if we're right for you.
NIcola Robertson
Registered Physiotherapist