Finding the right person is critical


No matter what type of health care provider you are seeking to guide you through your health journey, it is critical that they be the right fit.

I strongly advise that if you are meeting with a practitioner who you are not comfortable with, then ask to be moved on. They will have a colleague that you could see, and most health professionals worth their time, will be happy to refer you on. If for whatever the reason, you don't feel like it's working, the chances are they feel exactly the same way.

The sign of a good clinician is to know when to hand that patient off to a professional that they feel has a better suited personality. It doesn't mean they don't like you, or that you are a bad person, it means they are respecting your need to receive the best care possible.

So for example, you've been going to a personal trainer, nutritionist, physiotherapist, or chiropractor for a period of time, and you're not getting the results you expected. They continually rebook and repeat the same routine over again without offering any explanation or new strategy. If you feel the program is ineffective, it's time to change. Do not be afraid of offending somebody. If that person takes offense, it's a reflection on them, not you.

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In my clinical practice, I offer my belief system but it is not my job to enforce it. I educate, I share information, I explain my system and I explain my biases. It is at that point I let the client make their own decision. I do have biases. I have certain things that I believe work better than others and they are based on evidence I have read and systems I have researched and worked with.

Every clinician out there, has a set of biases. Some believe that mobile joint mobilization and manipulation is the best. Some believe acupuncture is it and some believe taping is the answer. Some believe that being a vegan, is the answer to everything. Are all those things wrong?I don't think so.

I believe the answer to almost anything is education, understanding and forward motion. I believe exercise and understanding your own body is the most important thing. I don't believe in seeing me three times a week for the rest of your life is the answer. I don't even believe seeing me once a week for the rest of your life, is the answer.

My intention with every client who comes through the door is to set goals and expectations that meet their belief system, not mine. This is not about me, this is about you.

I am confident in my abilities to refer people on when needed. If you see me and I refer you on to someone else, please don't be offended. I am simply making the best recommendation for your treatment.

Nicola Robertson

Registered Physiotherapist

BlogNicola Robertson