The Value of In Home Physiotherapy


Increasing numbers of our population are dealing with mobility challenges that may inhibit them from attending traditional physiotherapy clinics. Home Care Physiotherapy allows a Registered Physiotherapist to visit your home to help you increase your mobility and better adapt to your home environment, or even your workplace. However, many of the benefits of home based physiotherapy apply to everyone, not just those who have no alternative. Here are a few obvious advantages.

  • Time Saving – no commute time to and from the clinic or reception wait time

  • Customized Care – it is more likely that your physiotherapist will make personalized recommendations, tips, and modifications based on your living space, and they help you in ways hospital visits won’t

  • Safe for High-Risk patients – individuals who have a high risk of being infected in public places and those who suffer from one disability or the other can be sure they are entirely safe

  • Involving Your Support System – when care is delivered at home it is much easier to recruit and train a family member or caregiver to help with your treatment plan meaning your chances of success increase a great deal when the whole team is on board

  • Convenience of Location – many physiotherapists that offer home care can allow you to pick other locations such as your workplace depending on your convenience

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Home care physiotherapy treatment does not differ from in-clinic treatment in the way that we use all available clinical modalities and techniques like manual physiotherapy techniques, taping, and ultrasound just to mention a few.

Pre and postnatal care lends itself well to in-home Physiotherapy. New moms and moms-to-be, can have a lot going on in their world including other young children to care for and preparations for the arrival of their new baby. After the baby arrives, nap and feeding schedules can be a challenge on their own. How nice would it be to have someone come to you in the comfort of your home and a judgement free environment to provide you with an individualized treatment plan to help you meet your postnatal goals?

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People discharged from the hospital with mobility limitations or who have too much pain to attend an outpatient clinic for physiotherapy services, often wait until their condition is more manageable before seeking outpatient rehabilitation services.

The advantage of receiving earlier home care physiotherapy treatment enhances the recovery process and translates to shorter recovery times.

With the current concerns due to the covid-19 outbreak, many people are reluctant to risk exposing themselves. Home care can eliminate that risk by visiting you while bringing our own supplies. (All cleaned before and after each treatment)

Home care physiotherapy can be hugely beneficial.

Julie Mainprize

Registered Physiotherapist


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