We need to do better as a society

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It's been terrifying to me for the last week to watch the pandemic that is racism. I know what you're thinking, I'm a physiotherapist, and I normally talk about health and wellness. But I would be a fool if I did not say something about what is going on in the world right now. I would be part of the problem if I pretended it wasn't happening.

As I share these words, I won’t pretend I am well versed and educated on all the ins and outs of racism. But one thing I know for sure, I am white which means I live in a world where I have never feared for my life going for a walk or worried when I have been pulled over for a traffic stop by a police officer. I don't believe all police officers are bad, but I do believe there's systemic racism in this world. And I do believe that Black Lives Matter.

I myself have to be better. I have to learn more. I do not know enough about racial divisions and how to address them. I do not have excuses but a willingness to learn and the ability to apologize if I make a mistake. Something many of us lack.

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I believe that if we do not stand up to talk about this openly, educating ourselves on how to understand the issues of racism, how to address them and how to eliminate them, society will never move forward. It is not the responsibility of the victims to educate us, it is the responsibility of the perpetrator to understand and educate themselves on how to do better. I don't ask my patients how to mobilize their lumbar spine in a better way. We, the practitioners, educate ourselves, do the work and share our knowledge.

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I have seen many people angry at the violent protests, but history has shown us that in many movements over the years, peaceful protests, unfortunately rarely get us anywhere.

I don't believe anyone wants violence. I believe the majority of people are good and want to see simply a fair and equal world where we are all treated the same and where people don't have to live in fear and be subjected to unfair violence based on the color of their skin.

Nicola Robertson

Registered Physiotherapist

BlogNicola Robertson