October is Domestic Violence month

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Let's open the conversation.

D.V. is a pattern of behaviour in any relationship that is used to gain control over or intimidate a partner.

Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, economical, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person.

D.V. can happen to anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion or gender. It affects all people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and educations.

I wanted to create a specific client community.


•may include children or other relatives or any other household member


•embarrass or make fun of you

•make you feel you are unable to make decisions

•use threats to gain compliance

•treat you roughly (grab, pinch, shove, or hit you)

•call you several times a night or show up to make sure you are where you said you would be

•blame you for how they feel or act

•prevent you from spending time with friends or family

The biggest indicator of lethality when examining D.V. is not physical violence but the amount of control a partner has over you.

If any of this rings true or is of concern we want you to reach out so we can help. 🤍

NIcola Robertson

Registered Physiotherapist

BlogNicola Robertson