The Power of Play: Healing and Rediscovery


Have you ever noticed how children's behavior can reveal so much about their emotional well-being?

It's fascinating how play, or the lack of it, can serve as a window into their world, especially when they're facing trauma.

Play and Child Development

Playtime isn't just a pastime; it's a fundamental part of childhood development. When kids play, they learn to regulate their emotions, understand the world around them, and figure out how to interact with others. It's their way of exploring and making sense of the world.

The Impact of Trauma

However, when children are going through traumatic experiences, something remarkable happens – they often stop playing. Trauma can disrupt their connection to play, cutting them off from this vital avenue of self-expression and understanding.

Play as a Healing Tool

So, why is this observation significant, even for those who don't work with children? It's because play holds a pivotal role in trauma recovery. It acts as a beacon, signaling to our brains that we are safe, and it encourages our bodies to explore and rediscover life. In essence, it's a powerful tool to cope with overwhelm, life's challenges, and the weight of the world.

Reconnect with Play

If you've found that the joy of play has disappeared from your life, it's time to consider a path to rediscovery. Reconnecting with play can be a transformative experience, whether you're a child or an adult. It's about finding that inner playground and allowing yourself to become that big kid at heart once again.

Remember, play isn't just for kids; it's a vital part of being human. Embrace it, and you'll find that it can be a powerful tool for healing and rekindling your inner child's sense of wonder and joy.

Consider booking a session with professionals like Lee-Anne and myself who specialize in therapy and trauma recovery. We can guide you on this journey to rediscover the importance of play in your life.

Alysha Plaggemeier


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